Updated: March 24, 2000
Nano-W[Nano-W product page]
Technical Assistance Online Instructions (PDF) Material Safety Data Sheet (PDF)
General InformationNANO-W is a negative stain for electron microscopy (not available elsewhere) with excellent spreading and staining properties.It is an organo-tungstate compound and is stable, non-volatile in the beam and will not denature protein samples.It is especially useful for staining isolated molecules on a thin carbon film (Ref. 1).
NANO-W is supplied ready-to-use, as a 2 % solution in water at pH 6.8.
NANO-W may be mixed with the lower atomic number NanoVan to produce intermediate stain densities.
NANO-W should be refrigerated upon receipt, and stored at 2 - 8°C. Instructions for UseNANO-W is supplied ready-to-use as a 2 % solution in water at pH 6.8.Apply a drop to the grid; after one minute wick (not to dryness) and reapply another drop.After one minute wick to remove the excess, air dry, and observe as usual.Other standard procedures for negative staining may also be used (Ref. 1). Reference
Nanoprobes was founded in 1990 by Dr. James F. Hainfeld, along with a group of scientists who were also alumni of Brookhaven National Laboratory. The independent research facility they formed has allowed Dr. Hainfeld and his colleagues the freedom to pursue some of the greatest challenges in research: seeking cures for cancer and other diseases.
While part of the funding for these endeavors has come from research grants, another source had to be found, as the scientific community faces ever-increasing government cutbacks. To this end, Nanoprobes began to offer many of the nanoparticle technologies developed by its members for use in other scientists' research.