Updated: March 26, 2000
Undecagold Particles: Non-Reactive (UG)[Undecagold Particles: Non-Reactive product page]
Technical Assistance Online Instructions (PDF)
Material Safety Data Sheet (PDF)
General InformationUNDECAGOLD (NG) is a cluster complex containing 11 gold atoms, prepared using a process that gives precise control over its surface properties. UNDECAGOLD particles are a uniform 0.8 nm in diameter, making them a suitable calibration standard for electron microscopy. They do not aggregate, as do colloidal gold products, nor do they possess affinity for proteins as colloidal gold particles do.1 This product does not posess active functionality: it cannot be linked specifically to proteins or antibodies. It is anticipated that this product will be used as a size or resolution standard for the electron microscope.
UNDECAGOLD particles should be frozen upon receipt, and stored at -20°C.Warning:For research use only. Not recommended or intended for diagnosis of disease in humans or animals.Do not use internally or externally in humans or animals.Non radioactive and non carcinogenic. Product SpecificationsUNDECAGOLD is supplied as a solid, lyophilized from methanol solution. It is purified by gel filtration, and is stable under a wide range of pH conditions. It is soluble in alcohols, acetone, dichlorometane and similar solvents; it is also soluble in aqueous buffer systems such as phosphate buffered saline (150 mM NaCl).
Instructions for UseThe product is supplied as 50 nmol of solid. If you require less than this, then dissolve the sample in 1.0 mL solvent and pipette the required amount into a polyethylene tube. The methanol may then be blown off using nitrogen; the dark brown residue may be dissolved in the required solvent. A methanol solution of UNDECAGOLD particles is stable for several months at 2 - 8°C.Special Considerations for Viewing Undecagold in the Electron MicroscopeUNDECAGOLD is the smallest gold probe commercially available, being just 0.8 nm in diameter. A high resolution instrument such as a Scanning Transmission Eelectron Microscope (STEM) is required for visualization; in a conventional TEM the UNDECAGOLD particles are not visible. With careful work, however, UNDECAGOLD may be seen directly in the STEM. However, achieving the high resolution necessary for this work may require new demands on your equipment and technique.Several suggestions follow:
Our LI SILVER silver enhancement system is convenient and not light sensitive, and suitable for all applications. Improved results in the EM may be obtained using HQ SILVER, which is formulated to give slower, more controllable particle growth and uniform particle size distribution.
Specimens must be thoroughly rinsed with deionized water before silver enhancement reagents are applied. This is because the buffers used for antibody incubations and washes contain chloride ions and other anions which form insoluble precipitates with silver. These are often light-sensitive and will give non-specific staining. To prepare the developer, mix equal amounts of the enhancer and initiator immediately before use. UNDECAGOLD will nucleate silver deposition resulting in a dense particle 2-20 nm in size or larger depending on development time. Use nickel grids (not copper).
The procedure for immunolabeling should be followed up to step 6 as described above. Silver enhancement is then performed as follows:
Samples must be rinsed with deionized water before silver enhancement. This is because the reagent contains silver ions in solution, which react to form a precipitate with chloride, phosphate and other anions which are components of buffer solutions. The procedure for immunolabeling with UNDECAGOLD and silver enhancement is given below.
20 mM phosphate150 mM NaClpH 7.400.5% BSA0.1% gelatin (high purity)
Optional, may reduce background:0.5 M NaCl0.05% Tween 20
20 mM phosphate150 mM NaClpH 7.40
Nanoprobes was founded in 1990 by Dr. James F. Hainfeld, along with a group of scientists who were also alumni of Brookhaven National Laboratory. The independent research facility they formed has allowed Dr. Hainfeld and his colleagues the freedom to pursue some of the greatest challenges in research: seeking cures for cancer and other diseases.
While part of the funding for these endeavors has come from research grants, another source had to be found, as the scientific community faces ever-increasing government cutbacks. To this end, Nanoprobes began to offer many of the nanoparticle technologies developed by its members for use in other scientists' research.